Learn More about Kérastase Rewards Loyalty Program
Kérastase Loyalty Club is our free loyalty program where members enjoy exclusive offers, early access to seasonal promotions, and so much more! To join, simply create an account online.
Your loyalty account is activated the day you register for an account online, and it lasts until the end of the calendar year. It resets on January 1st the following calendar year.
Once you’ve enrolled, you can earn rewards by completing purchases at www-kerastase-usa.com. Rewards will only be redeemed on authorized purchases at www-kerastase-usa.com and do not apply with salons or other retailers.
For the best experience, create an account to view your order history and rewards in one place. If you already have an account, remember to log in each time you place an order to ensure your order history will continue to be tracked.
Please note that Kérastase Loyalty Club rewards are considered "promotional codes.” As such they have terms and conditions and certain restrictions that may apply. Not valid at other retailers. For full terms and conditions, please review the disclaimer within each of your loyalty rewards emails.
You will receive an e-mail notification once you have a reward available. You can also log in to your account and view your offers page.
Customers will earn rewards based on their annual spend from their activation date through the end of that same calendar year, only on www.kerastase-usa.com.
Premier Level 1 status is given to customers who spend < $149/year.
Elite Level 2 status is given to customers who spend > $499/year.
Ultime Level 3 status is given to customers who spend $500+/year.
For more information on available rewards, please visit the loyalty club page, or login to your account to view your rewards listed.
Log in to My Account (https://www.kerastase-usa.com/view-my-profile) and update your information at any time. If you do not have an account you can create one here.
For questions, please contact Customer Service.
Yes! Log in to your account to check your available rewards or check your email inbox for the most recent emails from Kerastase USA.
For questions, please contact Customer Service.
Your rewards expire 30 days after issuance. Your membership status expires at the end of every calendar year on December 31st. The account resets to Tier 1 at the beginning of each calendar year on January 1st.
Rewards will be sent to the customer via email, and frequency will vary based on the reward. For birthday rewards, customers will receive an email on their birthday. Please be sure to update your birthday information in your account profile.
For status achievement gifts, the email will be sent the day after customers reach the spend threshold. For other gifts and rewards, emails will be sent quarterly and monthly. For exclusive promotions, emails will be sent at the time the promotions occur.
Please note the rewards expire at the end of the calendar year along with your loyalty status accumulated within a given calendar year.
Complimentary Shipping - Treat yourself to a shopping spree as often as you want and save on shipping costs, with free shipping every day on all orders.
Loyalty - Track your loyalty status and rewards.
Free Samples - Discover new products to fall in love with when you receive your choice of Deluxe Sample at checkout included with every order.
Fast Checkout - Fly through the checkout process in just a few clicks when you safely save your shipping and payment information in your account.
Auto-Replenishment - Take advantage of our auto-replenishment service and receive free shipping & 10% off all recurring orders. Plus, enjoy the convenience of having your favorite Kérastase products delivered to you automatically before you run out and track all your orders in my account.
Order Tracking – Login to your account to track your order status.
Wishlist – Use your account to save your favorite items to a wishlist so that you can return to shop them at a time that is more convenient for you.